November 14, 2020

5 Minutes Can Change Your Day

Creating an overall plan for stress management can take time, but you don’t need a full stress management plan to create a change you can feel, both emotionally and even physically in the form of relieving stress. The following are just a few quick activities that can create a shift in your experience that can lead to a happier state of mind for the rest of the day. With this “emotional lift,” you can make choices to create even more happiness and feel less stress (like smiling instead of scowling at people, or saying “yes” to the little things that bring you joy). Try one of these right now:

  • Positive visualization: Imagine that you just won the lottery and need to figure out how to spend your winnings. Vividly imagine how this would make you feel, and what choices you would make. Interestingly, research shows that this activity can bring a boost to your mood that can last all day. Perhaps even more interestingly, it also works to just imagine finding $20 on the street and spending it on someone.
  • Gratitude: Think, for the next five minutes, about things that you appreciate in your life. Think about who you appreciate, what they have done for you, and how your life has been enriched by the things and people you have. Research has shown that this does, in fact, bring about a real change. Surprisingly, research has found that an even more powerful boost in positivity can be found by imagining your life without these things and people you appreciate, and then reminding yourself that you have them–really!
  • Savoring: There are many experiences in life that make us happy. Unfortunately, the joy we feel from these events inevitably fades with time and repetition, something researchers call “habituation.” One great way to increase the benefits we feel is to savor our experiences; we can remember all the details, talk with others about these memories, and really wring all the goodness we can from them. This brings a lasting lift in happiness.
  • Subscribe to my newsletter: It only takes a few minutes to read the newsletter when it comes, and you’ll have ideas that you can put to use for the rest of the week! (Yes, I couldn’t resist mentioning it, but I promise it can change your day.) Enjoy!

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